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Read more: http://cheeseburgerbuddha.blogspot.com/2013/07/only-light-can-remove-darkness.html#ixzz2aY7yrbdB
If you have been following the Malaysian News lately you will encounter a series of Islam Bashing, Muslim counter strikes, the need to insult, the need to defend from being insulted, the failure to communicate or fornicate about religion. One of the most outspoken of the ministers in parliament had called for the first Vatican Envoy to Malaysia to be booted out of the country for messing around with an ongoing sensitive issue about the use of the word 'Allah' by Christians in the translated Bible. A pair of wannabe infamous Chinese had decided to take poke at the religion through portraying them eating pork while the sign in the background said something to the effect that it is Ramadan,yada! yada! Most recently a youth was beaten up at a cyber cafe for 'insulting Islam'. Yes, mostly 'only in Malaysia, Malaysia Boleh!
You would think that an average intelligent person would avoid poking the hornet's nest knowing fully well the repercussion would be instant and highly detrimental to the health, but...This fasting month has been quite a challenge for the Malay Muslims as it is forbidden to loose one's temper while in the fasting mode, like it is prohibited to masturbate. So where do all the angry feelings the need to clobber some bird brain who keeps thinking that taking a poke at Islam is fun, where do the Malays hide their anger during this fasting month of Ramadan? For those who has think this matter is not as serious as it seems, they should sit among the coffee and teh tarik drinkers and listen to the flow of words about the Islam bashing issues; it is scary what goes through the minds of those who are generally not as easily provoked. These are the people who will act when push comes to shove and it will be a 'Tsunami' if things spin out of control; to die in defence of Islam is still 'Shahid' to any Muslim and to die in 'Shahid' means straight to heaven, and does not really if it is right or wrong to have this believe, for it is just so. So my question to the non-Muslim who are living in this country, is it worth it? Is it worth incurring the wrath of the Muslims knowing fully well what will happen?
The Muslims has no qualms about killing their fellow Muslims all over the Muslim world just on the basis of a difference in belief what more would they be willing to do when you keep insulting their religion for no good reason? Perhaps this is your true motive, to incite chaos, to sow the seed of anger and violence such that the country will never rise above being a mud hole or a cesspool of violence and ignorance. Then whoever you are wherever you are you deserve to be hung by your balls upside down simply because you are the the cancerous cell that preys upon society's weaknesses. You are the tumour that is growing in the minds of man and that needs to be removed without delay. Your presence on this planet is to destroy that which is the Divine nature in man; you are the anti-Christ, the Dajal!
For generations man has been plagued by you, societies have perished on your account, you have caused untold miseries and will go on doing so until you are rooted out and slam dunked into the sixth hell realm where your kind are found. The Buddhist has a name for you, they call you Mara, the Muslims has a name for you, they call you Shaitan, the Christians has a name for you and they call you, the anti-Christ or the devil, and the Hindus has many names for you too many to mention; to the average man you are, evil. Your very existence is the destruction of humanity, to bring chaos into the lives of the sons of Adam and of late your successes has been exemplary; you have won many battles. In Syria, in Palestine, in Afghanistan, and many more places all over this planet man has taken lives of their fellow man and if the cause is closely looked into it will be discovered that you are behind all these negativity. That is what you are, the negative energy, the anti- matter, the black hole, the dark force, the ignorance; that which only the light of true Love and Wisdom can remove. Against your fury, man stand little chance of survival in this what the Muslims call 'Akhir Zaman' or what the Buddhist calls "The Dharma Ending Age' or what the Hindu calls the "Kali Yuga", the "End of Days". Only the awakened souls, the enlightened spirits, those who have arrived at full consciousness of Being can see you and stand up to you in defence of the insanity you seek to destroy mankind with.
You have been sowing the seed of discord in your dubious ways in every aspect of human existence but worse of all is your capture of the young through drugs and entertainment; you have made slaves out of millions if not billions throughout human history and the only entity that stands in your ways is the sanctity of religions; without religions man would have perished a whole lot sooner; it is the faith in all religions no matter what the belief system may be that has been the vanguard of standing in your way of the destruction of the human spirit. For so long as man holds his strong belief in the Divine, his higher self, his essence of Love and Goodness, your advance in the course of human history will be not as easy as you would like it to be. You may have won many battles in time but you have yet to win the war and the war will unite all religions in the Light of Goodness and Love, of Humility and Compassion; only Light can remove darkness.
Read more: http://cheeseburgerbuddha.blogspot.com/2013/07/only-light-can-remove-darkness.html#ixzz2aY7yrbdB
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